News Article

Emergency Resilience Workshops

Emergencies, of all kinds, have wide-ranging, varied and complicated impacts that individuals, families and communities must cope with, often for many years.

A community led emergency resilience approach seeks to bring communities together through local connections and networks, empowering them to identify and take local actions which are owned by communities themselves. These workshops adopt a whole community approach engaging individuals, community groups, local businesses and local government to co-create actions, plans and resources to respond and recover from emergencies.

Red Cross’ Community-Led Emergency Resilience workshops are delivered through four modules as follows:

  1. Orientation & Scoping Workshop
  2. Strengths & Hazard Mapping Workshop
  3. Ideation Workshop
  4. Review & Next Steps Workshop

Lenswood CLER workshops

Venue: Lenswood Memorial Hall, Oval
Workshop 1: 7-9pm,Thursday, 17th March
Workshop 2: 7-9pm,Thursday, 24th March
Workshop 3: 7-9pm,Thursday, 31st March
Workshop 4: 7-9pm,Thursday, 7th April

*Recommended to attend all four workshops

For more information, please contact:
Miranda Hampton
08 8408 0572, 0437 123 904
(Please RSVP for catering purposes)